Fic Rec OF EPIC.

Feb 16, 2011 00:19

Right, so I got bored earlier today (and was distracting myself from the fact that being poor and unable to pay off loans sucks) and started reading Bleach fic.  I haven't really read it hardcore in a while, so it was nice to do it again.  Of course, I had to skim over some that were nice, but not good, and then stuff that just didn't grab my interest.

And then I found this.

And my gosh, I think it may have changed my life.  At least for the night.  Or the week.

I cannot stop gushing about this story, about how gorgeous the imagery is, how believable the characters are, how utterly heartbreaking and beautiful it is.  It's difficult to present Byakuya in a believable and sympathetic nature, and even more so to make the reader want more (or not, Byakuya is kind of amazing), but this fic captures him perfectly.  He's a broken man, not cold for the sake of being a jerk, and struggles moving on, just as anyone else would in his place.

Amazing.  Perfect.  I cannot stop going on about this.  It has very  nearly brought me to tears.

And that's always the best reaction you can get from me.  :)

Sorry to everyone on my flist who has just listened to me fangasm on AIM!  The sooner I get this out of my system, the less you'll have to deal with me, rofl.  <3

fanfic, kuchiki byakuya, ukitake jyuushirou, fic rec, bleach, fic, hisana

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