Art: Wireless Connection (Masterpost)

Dec 17, 2016 17:47

Title: Wireless Connection
Rating: G (PG-13 for Fic)
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki

Summary: Art for Wireless Connection, written by the amazing lotrspnfangirl, and my second entry for the 2016 j2_reversebangJared finds stress relief in Twitter as a second-year nursing student. Over summer break, he becomes friends ( Read more... )

spn rpf, j2, my art, art, j2 reversebang, challenges, fan art

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Comments 15

quickreaver December 18 2016, 01:02:49 UTC
LOVELY, lovely! I love the settings and all the details. And the kitten under Jensen's feet! :D :D :D


dancing_adrift December 18 2016, 01:13:43 UTC
Thank you so much!! I do seem to be a detail person, I'm realizing. I feel like the kitty should have a name, but we never gave her one. Thoughts, lotrspnfangirl? XP Thanks for the love ♥


wind_storms December 18 2016, 01:34:52 UTC
dancing_adrift December 18 2016, 01:42:21 UTC
A) Thank you!! I'm glad you like it so much. It's been a long time since I made that original piece, but I'm still really happy with it and I'm glad others are too ^_^
B) Thanks! I hope it adds an extra level of immersion to the fic. I know *I* got drawn in, even by the simple text edits Danielle made. And it's *such* a familiar set of communication methods, at least to me. Very realistic feeling.
C) Omg Kim, I thought of you so much while reading this, lol. You're definitely going to be nodding your head in agreement through the entire fic, I just have a feeling ;)
D) Enjoy!!! ♥


wind_storms December 18 2016, 01:48:26 UTC
dancing_adrift December 18 2016, 01:54:31 UTC
hahaha. So glad you're enjoying it so far!! Hope your dishes are done quickly so you can get back to it! :)


sandy79 December 18 2016, 04:51:17 UTC
Sweetie, I'm in awe of your talents!! I can't even start to name any favorites, cause every SINGLE pic/art in here looks absolutely awesome! I still have to read the story, but knowing Dani's writing, I already know that I'm in for a great ride. And on top of that with such beautiful artwork!


dancing_adrift December 18 2016, 05:32:24 UTC
Oh, thank you so much!! ^_^ I'm so happy you enjoy my work. And yes, Danielle did a fantastic job, and I adore every moment of this fic. I hope you do too!!


amberdreams December 18 2016, 18:25:37 UTC
Eee this is grand. I love the original prompt - the colours are so cheery, and the details fab. The wee kitty! Jared's ripped jeans... if I wasn't already eager to read the story I'd be even more so now.


dancing_adrift December 18 2016, 19:50:21 UTC
\o/ Thank you so much, my dear! Lol - I can't seem to keep myself away from bright colors, so I'm glad you enjoy them. Hope you find as much enjoyment in the story, too, as you anticipate! (And I may be biased, because I think the story's totally excellent, but I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it :))


amberdreams December 18 2016, 19:56:31 UTC
I love bright colours! And I'm reading the story now... :D


sillie82 December 18 2016, 21:56:26 UTC
Ooh, wonderful work. I love the original prompt. So fun. :D


dancing_adrift December 18 2016, 22:49:59 UTC
Thank you so much! ^_^ ♥


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