Art: Wireless Connection (Masterpost)

Dec 17, 2016 17:47

Title: Wireless Connection
Rating: G (PG-13 for Fic)
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki

Summary: Art for Wireless Connection, written by the amazing lotrspnfangirl, and my second entry for the 2016 j2_reversebangJared finds stress relief in Twitter as a second-year nursing student. Over summer break, he becomes friends ( Read more... )

spn rpf, j2, my art, art, j2 reversebang, challenges, fan art

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Comments 15

madebyme_x December 20 2016, 11:04:40 UTC
Beautiful!!! And so many lovely touches and details like the cat by Jensen's feet, and Jared's torn at the knee jeans. Such vibrant and cheery art! Thank you for sharing :)


dancing_adrift December 20 2016, 16:52:42 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm only sad I couldn't figure a good way to include the full original prompt with the story - it's just too damn big! Lol. I'm still so new to digital art; I have much to learn about the more technical aspects! I'm glad you enjoyed my art, and I hope you enjoy the story as well :) ♥


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