I feel like I *FINALLY* got my life back.

May 13, 2009 13:02

Have you been on my Flist for more than 2 years? If the answer is yes, then you know how far I've fallen over the past few years. You know about the MRSA, about my depression, about my horrific and hateful roommates, my daddy drama, and my bad grades.

But you guys?

I did it.

I conquered the bulllshit and managed to have a semester, here at the FSU home campus, with all the crap and drama and illness, that didnt suck.

I got my grades back you guys.

AML2600_____INTRO TO AFR-AMR LIT______ A-
AML3041_____AMER AUTHR SNCE 1875_____ A-
LIT2030______INTRO TO POETRY__________ A
MVS1116_____BEG CLASS GUITAR_________ A

That C? I busted my ASS for that C. I have never been prouder of a C in my whole fucking life. That C is the last Math I will ever have to take in my life. And those As balance it out.

I'm an A student again y'all. I havent been an A student since high school. I feel like I got my SELF back. And that is precious.

Thank you, because believe it or not, you guys and your support helped me more than you know.


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