Mar 08, 2005 14:44
{Full Name ] Aimee Katherine Stamler
[ Nicknames ] jailbait aimizzle ronnie ugh..aimes but i hate it..
[ Birthday ] July 31, 1990
[ Age ] 14
[ Weight ] no idea
[ Astrological sign? ] leo
[ Chinese zodiac sign? ] horse
[ Location ] uxbridge
[ Marital Status ] single
[ Eye color ] blue and kinda green sometimes
[ Height ] 5'6 i think
[ Shoe size ] 9ish..
[ Parents still together? ] yup
[ Siblings? ] jeff rob lissa
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] prolly soon haha
[ Kids of your own? ] ugh no haha
[ Grandkids? ] no.. wtf haha
[ Pets? ] yes grayce lou freebush
[ Education? ] high school
[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ] my house.
[ Have any credit cards? ] um no
[ What do you drive? ]cant drive yet.. friggen idiot
[ Color ] pink and bright blue
[ Number ] 3
[ Animal ] dont know haha
[ Vehicle ] austin mini or mercedes suv
[ Flower ] dunno
[ Scent ] bcbg sexy
[ Shape ] what
[ Soda ] mountain dew
[ Book ] gossip girls
[ Band ] too many
[ Song ] at the moment slow motion -third eye blind
[ Food ] cincinnati chili
Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] not allowed
[ Twirl your hair? ] sometimes if its curly
[ Piercing? ] 2 in my ears and belly button
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] haha always
[ Drink/Smoke? ] yea
[ Like roller coasters? ] haha yess
[ Wish you could live somewhere else] yes. warmm
[ Want more piercings? ] yea. nose and maybe tounge
[ Like cleaning? ] sometimes
[Write in cursive or print? ] print
[ Swear a lot? ] haha o yes
[ Own a web cam? ] no
[ Know how to drive? ] no cu zi cant. friggen a
[ Diet? ] ugh no
[ Own a cell phone? ] yup
[ Ever get off the computer? ] sometimes
[ Habla Espanol? ] si. yo hablo espanol.
Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] if i could drive prolly
[ DUI? ] nope
[ Been in a wreck? ] no
[ Been arrested?] not yet anyway
[ Been in a fist fight? ] haha yupp
[ Stolen anything? ] I dont think so
[ Held a gun? ] haha once
[ Drank? ] many times
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] hahaha
[ Considered a life of crime? ] sometimes
[ Considered being a hooker? ] no
[ Cried over a girl? ] yea
[ Cried over a boy? ] never
[ Lied to someone? ] yup
[ Been in love? ] naw
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] haha no
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] yup
[ Been rejected? ] no
[ Been used? ] yea
[ Been kissed? ] o yess
[Current mood] happy
[Current music] third eye blind
[Current taste] pretzels
[Current hair] messy ass bun
[Current annoyance] gossip at school
[Current smell] onions
[Current thing I ought to be doing] homework like woah
[Current desktop picture] ocean. omg with i was there
[Current book] great expetations
[Current cds in stereo] a c.d i stole from my brother
[Current crush] cullen and willie
[Current favorite celeb] Hmm...
[Current hate]snow bitches
[Current job] dont have one
The last time
[Last book you read] great expectations
[Last movie you saw] noteboob
[Last thing you had to drink] stawberry stuff..
[Last thing you ate] pretzels
[Last person you talked to on the phone] val
Do you...
[Do drugs?] tried it.
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] once i did
[Play an instrument?] flute and violin but i quit
[Believe there is life on other planets?] mhm
[Remember your first love?] no
[Still love him/her?] Hell yes! You're amazing Ryan.
[Read the newspaper?] nope
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yup
[Believe in miracles?] um no
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] faith fails
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] yup
[Consider love a mistake?] sometimes
[Have a favorite candy?]not really..
[Do well in school?] most of the time
[Go to or plan to go to college] new york baby
[Wear hats?] yess i love them
[Hate yourself?] sometimes
[Have an obsession?] haha
[Have a secret crush?] kinda
[Do they know yet?] kinda..
[Collect anything? ] nope
[Have Any Close friends?]yup
[Like your handwriting?] no
[Care about looks?] forever and always
Love life
[First crush] craig or
[First kiss] hm..kiss like lips 6th grade makout like 7th i think
[Single or attached?] single
[Anyone have a crush on you?] apparently
[Ever been in love?] no
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] no
[Do you believe in "the one?"]no