Sep 19, 2003 19:56
Can anyone tell me why some people think that just because they are alive and well that they deserve something from the world? I don't understand why a person who has accomplished nothing feels as though they deserve everything of an accomplished person. Money comes from work, privelage comes from being unprivelaged, all these things we see as success in our world come from work of some kind. Why isn't this obvious to everyone? Especially guys, so many of our young men feel as though we owe them the last time I checked at least. And why must I always be male...a male cat that is. I always seem to play the role of a male becuase today's guys don't seem to be responsible enough to hold that title just yet. Hopefully they will earn that title within a few years. But what if they dont? What if they never see beyond what's on TV? Why are people so concerned with money anyway. I had a little bit of money a few months ago from the WORK I did all summer, and it was nice to be able to buy things when I wanted and buy other people things. I especially liked that, that was my favorite part of having money, being able to share it. But most people don't see money as a gift to be able to share with those you love, but as a way to make themself look better against other people. Money is nice to have, and a necessity when it comes to food, transportation, school, and important things, but a vanity outside of our needs. Just like anything else money comes and goes, unless one is willing to work hard enough to sacrifice for a lasting amount of it. Many people don't want the sacrafice, or the work, which is understandable, but still want the money in hand, which is not reality. It's so sad when you see people this way, and when you try to open their eyes to the real world all they can do is bitch and turn away. But one day they will see what it's like, they'll have to. Money here and money there will only last for so long, until it's over, for one reason or another it will come to an end. And by then it will be too late to build a life on love and happieness because money has already ruined it. I'm satisfied though to know what I do about this now, while it's early and fresh and I have so many more years to apply this helpful life lesson to. I just hope my generation is not going to have to learn the hard way that we don't deserve anything, but work for everything.