A Farscape kind of weekend

Jul 16, 2007 15:52

Just to clarify, there was no projectile vomiting, just lots of Farscape. I rewatched the middle part of Season 2 this weekend, and by some bizarre coincidence, all kinds of awesome Farscape-related news has popped up on my flist. To whit:

* New Farscape webisodes in the works (seen all over). I am... skeptically optimistic? You need a certain ( Read more... )

fangirling claudia black like whoa, farscape

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katie_m July 16 2007, 23:03:38 UTC
Oh, Life has already been picked up. And I'm kind of irritated that I have to at least watch the pilot now, because I really wasn't interested in the show. But, CB! I'm fascinated to see what they do with her accent.


danceswithwords July 16 2007, 23:09:38 UTC
I hadn't realized it had been picked up ("shown at the fall preview" read as "being presented for possible pickup" to me for some reason). That's both exciting and, as you say, kind of irritating, because on the one hand: Claudia Black! On the other: iffy detective drama! But on the third hand: Claudia Black! I'm hoping they just let her use her regular accent rather than making her do an American one.


asta77 July 17 2007, 02:53:10 UTC
She's going to be on Life? How did we not hear about this sooner??? Life was on my 'to watch' list simply for Damien Lewis who I like even if the premise is a bit iffy. Hopefully the actors involved can improve the material.


danceswithwords July 17 2007, 03:09:09 UTC
Hopefully the actors involved can improve the material.

This does not fill me with confidence. But still: Claudia Black! I'm not sure why news of a new role wasn't out on the fannish grapevine earlier, but given how private she seems to be, it's possible that the people running the website dedicated to her have to find stuff out just like the rest of us.


asta77 July 17 2007, 03:17:02 UTC
I haven't seen any critics wowed by Life, but I haven't seen anyone say it's crap either. And I hate to judge a show just by one ep unless it's like Painkiller Jane bad. ;)

Given how some actors tend to be too share-y with fans (I think you know of whom I refer), I have to respect Claudia for keeping stuff to herself. But you would think she'd want TV appearances out there. I'm just thrilled she's getting work.


danceswithwords July 17 2007, 03:25:13 UTC
I haven't seen any critics wowed by Life, but I haven't seen anyone say it's crap either.

Well, that's a relief.

And yeah, I completely don't begrudge her her privacy, but I do think it means she isn't using the fan network to publicize herself the way a lot of other actors do. Some of whom need to work on their NEEDINESS. *ahem*


sdwolfpup July 17 2007, 15:03:49 UTC
Given how some actors tend to be too share-y with fans (I think you know of whom I refer)

Oooh, ooh, I know! Hee.


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