A Farscape kind of weekend

Jul 16, 2007 15:52

Just to clarify, there was no projectile vomiting, just lots of Farscape. I rewatched the middle part of Season 2 this weekend, and by some bizarre coincidence, all kinds of awesome Farscape-related news has popped up on my flist. To whit:

* New Farscape webisodes in the works (seen all over). I am... skeptically optimistic? You need a certain budget to make it look good, and I don't know how much money they're going to throw into these things, or (because of budget, cast availability, etc.) whether it will focus on main characters or secondary characters in "the universe." Still, it's exciting news.

* Claudia Black has a role in an upcoming NBC pilot (via sg1_debrief). It's just a pilot, and she wouldn't be a regular but it sounds like she might have a recurring role if it's even picked up [ETA it has been picked up, thanks to katie_m and her superior reading comprehension for the clarification]. Also, it sounds like kind of a lame show. STILL.

* A miniseries developed by Ben Browder and Andrew Prowse is in the works (via kazbaby).

Also, remember how I used to do Farscape episode posts? No? You can't remember that far back, you say? After a geologic age, things tends to get a little fuzzy? Well, asta77 was scoffing at me recently, but she misunderestimated what an anal retentive completist I am. It's, like, my superpower.

fangirling claudia black like whoa, farscape

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