Oh democracy*, don't ever change

Nov 02, 2010 21:43

Today I voted while sitting on a stranger's doorstep. My regular polling place, like many regular polling places in SF, is a residential garage.

(This is less weird than it sounds; when you're a little out from the center of the city and you don't have a lot of community centers and churches in the neighborhood, SF's population density dictates that you find other locations; and there are some awesome volunteer homeowners in this town. Most garages here are on the ground floor, below the living areas of the house, and right off the street. Since moving to SF in 1999, I have voted in: a Christian Science establishment, a Filipino community center, five different garages, and a yoga studio.)

The ballot was very long, between state and local races and their assorted ballot initiatives. We're having a wide-open race for supervisor in my district, and I'm looking forward to not having to run the candidate gauntlet at the BART station in the morning starting tomorrow.

I would love to keep up with results. Apparently, sfgate.com has decided to bury its election results under a million links to make it super easy to find, so here. The links to county-by-county results are returning generic links to nothing. Anybody got any alternate sources?

* Yes, I know it's a republic.

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