Thursday new and returning TV blogging

Sep 23, 2010 11:20

The list of shows I'm catching on the new fall schedule is pretty small, but there are a few.

The Event: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. The pilot couldn't keep my attention, and I was pretty creeped out by the use of the missing girlfriend as the protagonist's motivation; in fact, most of the female characters were there to tell us something about the men in their lives. So I'm giving it a pass. Sorry, guy-who-played-Joan's-brother-on-Joan-of-Arcadia.

Hawaii Five-0

There were a lot of pluses and minuses in this pilot, but I think the balance tips towards the positive and I'm going to continue watching.


  • Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park kicking ass and taking names.
  • Dan-o, who is really charming. I like the contrast between his relaxed, almost stoner-like mannerisms and his attention to detail, his conscientious parenting, and his urbanist skepticism.
  • Hilarious swearing-in over the phone.
  • Fantastic use of the setting, both in the cinematography and in the way the plot dives effortlessly into Hawa'ii's multiculturalism. Sometimes, being a white dude makes you stand out in non-useful ways. Familiarity with Asian languages is a useful and even essential tool. The plot made use of the islands as a crossroads for a lot of different cultures.
  • Jean Smart!


  • Alex O'Loughlin's smug McGarrett. Does he have some kind of blackmail material stashed away? He keeps getting cast in major projects. By the end of the episode, I really wanted to be watching the Dan-o, Chin Ho, and Kona show. It's probably a bad sign when you're rooting for the lead to get shot so that the supporting cast can take over.
  • Who in the what now with the Irish terrorists? One of whom was played by a shockingly leathery-looking James Marsters and his Spike accent?
  • Dan-o taking a shot that would require a sniper rifle's level of precision with a handgun and totally endangering a hostage.
  • Basically, the last ten minutes, where the rogue cop beats up prisoners and threatens their families, and this proves what an awesome badass he is.

It also had the usual pilot-itis, of course; I thought the flashbacks were on balance a pretty useful way of introducing backstory, but I think they tried to cram in way too much information about the characters in one episode. That's the kind of thing you can get away with spinning out gradually over time.


This show continues to be inexplicably delightful. I really liked the way Castle's summer vacation altered his relationship with not only Beckett but also Esposito and Ryan, because it highlighted a difference they'd all been lulled into ignoring: that what they're doing is their life, but his hobby. And it's so like Castle not to quite get that, because he's so used to charming his way through any situation.

And I've got to say I was looking forward to tonight's CSI premiere much more before I found out about the Justin Bieber guest spot. *shudder* At least when Kevin Federline was on, we got to see his character get the crap beaten out of him.

* * * * *

This review of a new Roald Dahl biography is a fascinating read. I had vaguely known that he led an interesting life, but "interesting" doesn't begin to cover it. (via Bookslut)

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castle, hawaii five-0

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