The 30 days of TV don't have to be consecutive, right???

Jun 21, 2010 14:37

Day 03 - Your favorite new show (aired this TV season)

Justified, and it snuck up on me in a weird way. I think that since so many of the cable dramas I watch these days follow a fairly standard caper formula (Burn Notice, Leverage, White Collar), I had an unconscious expectation that Justified would too--that Waylan Givens and his band of wacky locals would solve crimes week after week. The Elmore Leonard credit should have been a warning; but while I liked the first few episodes well enough, there was something a little too Southern-fried about them, and they were fairly episodic. But the show kept building the relationships--Waylan's self-destructive streak when it comes to women, his inability to stay away from Ava and his sweet, regretful longing for Winona; his father, the operator, and his tough stepmother; and most of all the Crowders, who are such a dark reflection of the Givenses (WRaylan and Boyd both seem to have come to a strong sense of right and wrong in part in reaction to the criminality of their fathers, a rebellion). It's complicated, and I like the fact that it deals with way meth is warping the economies and social fabrics of so many rural communities, and its scale: the way it drills down into the little details that so often define people.

Previous entries here.

* * * * *

I'm leaving for a family reunion on Thursday, so I'm trying to get ready for that and finish up a mound of work this week. I'm looking forward to the time off work, but I can't say I'm entirely looking forward to the reunion, although my family is scattered and it will be nice to see certain people that I don't see very often. But it's Birmingham, in June, and the weather is going to be nasty; and it's not going to be a restful weekend. Mostly, though, it's two full days of travel out of five, and flying to Birmingham has become increasingly onerous in the past few years because the Birmingham-to-airline hub leg of the trip is now exclusively handled by various teeny, tiny regional carriers who keep cancelling flights to consolidate into as few trips per day as possible. I've had to change my reservations three times already to adjust to changes in that leg of the schedule, which is kind of crazy.

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30 days of tv, justified

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