This is the turtle dove day of the TV meme, right?

Jun 17, 2010 15:01

Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching

This is a hard one, because there is so much variety to what pushes people's individual storytelling buttons. There are even some people out there who don't like Farscape! I don't understand them, but I know they exist. Plus, I'm not particularly fannish about any current shows, and most of the current shows I am enjoying are pretty niche tastes--procedurals (Castle), caper shows (Burn Notice, Leverage)--or don't need the help right now (Justified). I wish more people were watching The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but that's water under the bridge.

So I'm going to have to go with Frontline, the last bastion of in-depth television journalism out there. I think more people should be watching Frontline.

* * * * *

After seeing a positive review, I ordered a couple of Cake Chalet mixes, and made one up last night (rocky road with chocolate caramel frosting, if you're interested). It was really, really easy and the frosting seemed to come out beautifully; tonight we get to do a taste test. The best part of the baking and frosting process, though, was Murphy, who circled the kitchen like a shark, lifting his nose and flaring his nostrils to take in the smell and giving me the Sad Face of I'm So Cute Won't You Give Me Some Cake. I haven't done much baking around him, but he really seems to like it.

* * * * *

There is no way this could go wrong, RIGHT?

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30 days of tv, meme sheepage

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