Miracles of modern life

Sep 16, 2004 14:50

My parents in Birmingham were calling me in San Francisco all day to get updates on what Ivan was doing. Their power is out, and likely will be for several more days, so they had me looking things up online. Aside from a giant tree limb that fell in the driveway and is now blocking it, they have come through unscathed, though my father is cranky because without electricity he can't do work; my mother has cracked open Harry Potter and is settling in for a good read. I hope everyone on my flist who is in the storm's path is doing well.

How cool are these! I am especially intrigued by ebola. Why are you all looking at me funny? They're plushy stuffed germs. They're CYOOOOOOTE!

I'll be finishing S3 of Buffy soon and I can't make up my mind whether I'd rather start watching Buffy and Angel together, alternating episodes, as they were designed to be viewed when they first aired (at least for the first two years), or whether I should just watch Buffy straight through and then move on to Angel. There's something to be said for both approaches. So I'm going to do a poll, purely for scientific reasons and not at all to test out this cool polling feature.


weird things i like, angel the series, family, buffy the vampire slayer

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