And now for something a little less ranty

Sep 14, 2004 20:46

A la the meme that's going around, poshcat asked me five questions, and I'm answering here.

1. I don't really know you that well. What is your age, marital status, place of residence, colour of hair, height, and shoe size. That should help.

In order: 32, single, San Francisco, brown, 5'4", 7 1/2. I believe the first two, in combination, are referred to as "on the shelf." Or perhaps I've been reading too many Victorian novels lately.

2. Is there a dream that you particularly look forward to having? And do you have any reoccurring nightmares?

I almost never remember my dreams unless I wake up during them. As far as I know, they don't tend to recur. During a really stressful time at work a couple of years ago when I was documenting a really poorly organized C++ application programming interface and it was occupying most of my waking mind, it seemed like getting chased by snippets of C++ code was a regular feature of my dreams. I realize what an astonishingly boring answer that is.

3. Tell me about your first date ever.

My first date was a blind date when I was fourteen. My uncle had recently remarried a woman who had three children from her previous marriage. My step-aunt is a wonderful woman, but she's definitely what's referred to in the South as "country," and so are her children. When my family was visiting my uncle's family, my new step-cousin dragged me out on a triple date with her best friend Misty, their boyfriends, and some random guy friend of the boyfriends who had a peach-fuzzy moustache. My family had gone out to dinner with my uncle's family beforehand and I had spilled shrimp creole on my shirt; I didn't have a chance to change, so I started the night out with a big tomato splotch on my boob, and things pretty much went downhill from there.

We drove around the backwoods of Baton Rouge, LA in a van. We went to Bennigans, where the fellows (who were much older--the sort of young-twenties guys who would be dating fourteen year old girls) tried to buy us alcohol, but the waitress wasn't having it. We drove around the woods some more, during which time me and this guy exchanged exactly five horribly awkward sentences because we had nothing to talk about. The two actual couples wanted to park somewhere so that they could make out. My date started eyeing me speculatively. I prayed that a meteor would hit the van before we could find somewhere to park. Alas, it was not to be. They parked by a lake off a dirt road, and we must have woken the guy who owned the property, because he came very soon after we'd stopped and started firing his shotgun in the air to drive us off. At least I think he was firing in the air. He didn't hit the van, anyway. It wasn't a meteor, but I'd take it.

We drove back to my uncle's house, and I leapt out of the van as if a torch had been applied to my ass and rushed inside without looking back. My step-cousin decided I was no fun. I was okay with that, because it meant that I didn't have to hang out with her lame friends ever again.

4. If you could go back in time and change one thing you've done, what would it be?

I probably would have studied history or English in college instead of what I did study. I've ended up doing something that has nothing to do with my degree anyway, and I would really have enjoyed both. I'm not that unhappy with what I did end up studying, but part of me really thinks I should have attempted a career in academia.

5. What is your bulletproof kink, my darling? Because I know you were expecting ONE question about sex, right?

I was actually expecting more than one! Hm. As far as vampire porn Jossverse fanfic goes, I like biting, as long as there's nothing like claiming involved. In general, I find the exploration of uneven power dynamics pretty interesting, both on a kink level and on a character level. I realize that's kind of an odd answer, but I don't think I could say "noncon" or "semi-con" without a bunch of qualifiers.

And to pass the meme along, if anybody'd like, I'll ask you five questions.

Oh, and I updated the Jossverse details for fanfic writers project through the beginning of BtVS S3. Does anybody know if there's a character limit for LJ entries? I think length might become an issue.

family, meme sheepage

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