Define "alive"

Sep 11, 2009 20:17

For the record! While Dragon*Con was fabulous, I didn't so much catch con crud as contract some form of creeping death that set up shop in my lungs and sprayed them down with battery acid. There was some debate about whether I could travel today, and I won, but then life punished me with airline shenanigans. SO. I am home, and somewhat vertical, but I couldn't connect to my parents' AT&T uverse gateway with my Linux ASUS netbook, and even more shockingly, I didn't actually care at that point, so I've got about a week and a half of LJ to catch up on. But there will be pictures and con reports when I can stop coughing long enough to type up my notes and do some uploading.

I really, really hope I didn't give this to anyone I was hanging out with. If I did, I understand why you hate me/plan to defriend me.

In conclusion, Ben Browder's hands are even more crazily sexy in person than they are on screen.

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