A distraction in two parts

Jul 16, 2009 13:29

Part the first:

Leverage 2.01 - A Shallow, Hair-Based Review

Yes, there was plot stuff and dialogue stuff, but I learned everything I needed to know about where these people are now from the hair.

I'm somewhat iffy on Sophie's new hair--I'm not sure it's entirely flattering to Gina Belman, hard as that is to imagine--but it's much less sleek and contained than it was last season, when she was always so put-together looking. Now she's much more laid-back in the time when she's not on a job, while, ironically, seemingly having a much better idea of what she wants.

Parker's hair is also a little sassier and more open, and so is she. She's unfolding, inch by inch.

Elliott's hair, on the other hand, seems a little neater and less chaotic. However, I am willing to call a hair exception on any character played by Christian Kane, since they all have Christian Kane's hair.

Hardison's hair is the same, and the man is a rock--sly and joking, deadly serious underneath it all, and delighted with Parker's sassy hair new flirtatiousness.

Nate's hair also hasn't changed much. He's still lost, looking for a purpose. He inspired the rest of them, and now he has to live with the consequences--literally!--as they all move into his home and his life and point him in the direction they all want to go. Last season, he had to convince them; now they're convincing him. And it keeps him out of the bars, at a time when he's put temptation right in his path by living above one.

It makes sense that they all work together like a well-oiled machine at this point, but only half the episode was about the job--the rest of it was, rightly, about the reunion--so I can't say I was surprised to see it go off without a hitch, but I hope they don't all go that smoothly, because that could get boring.

And I think it probably says something about the times in which we live that the mob was sorta evil in this episode, but the finance guy was way eviler.

* * * * *

Part the second:

There. I have almost distracted myself from the incredible lousiness of the past two days of work. Almost.

weird things i like, leverage, sharks

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