Part the first:
Leverage 2.01 - A Shallow, Hair-Based Review
Yes, there was plot stuff and dialogue stuff, but I learned everything I needed to know about where these people are now from the hair.
I'm somewhat iffy on Sophie's new hair--I'm not sure it's entirely flattering to Gina Belman, hard as that is to imagine--but it's much less sleek and contained than it was last season, when she was always so put-together looking. Now she's much more laid-back in the time when she's not on a job, while, ironically, seemingly having a much better idea of what she wants.
Parker's hair is also a little sassier and more open, and so is she. She's unfolding, inch by inch.
Elliott's hair, on the other hand, seems a little neater and less chaotic. However, I am willing to call a hair exception on any character played by Christian Kane, since they all have Christian Kane's hair.
Hardison's hair is the same, and the man is a rock--sly and joking, deadly serious underneath it all, and delighted with Parker's sassy hair new flirtatiousness.
Nate's hair also hasn't changed much. He's still lost, looking for a purpose. He inspired the rest of them, and now he has to live with the consequences--literally!--as they all move into his home and his life and point him in the direction they all want to go. Last season, he had to convince them; now they're convincing him. And it keeps him out of the bars, at a time when he's put temptation right in his path by living above one.
It makes sense that they all work together like a well-oiled machine at this point, but only half the episode was about the job--the rest of it was, rightly, about the reunion--so I can't say I was surprised to see it go off without a hitch, but I hope they don't all go that smoothly, because that could get boring.
And I think it probably says something about the times in which we live that the mob was sorta evil in this episode, but the finance guy was way eviler.
* * * * *
Part the second:
- Neuromancer at 25. One thing this article doesn't mention, but that I think Neuromancer also got right, is the merging of individual metropolitan areas into big corridors.
- Man burned at Burning Man assumed risk of being burned by burning man, says court. The man is big and on fire! It's really hard not to notice that. Missing from the linked article are any mentions of what the plaintiff was on at the time.
- 2009 Bulwer-Lytton contest winners have been announced!
- I, for one, will totally welcome our new robot overlords if they make me coffee.
- This top 5 list of awful Disney crossover toys is, indeed, awful. I think I could have lived without seeing the slave Leia Minnie Mouse figurine, though it's still better than the slave Leia dog costume, which should be used to illustrate the definition of WRONG in the dictionary.
- Weakest. Password. Ever. I have no words. Please tell me that Twitter is not handling users' credit card information. (via
- I changed my iGoogle theme to Ocean Blue because two of the rotating images are sharks. Unfortunately, there are also lame non-shark things like scuba divers and fish. When will someone make an all-shark theme? As Liz Lemon would say, I want to go to there.
There. I have almost distracted myself from the incredible lousiness of the past two days of work. Almost.