You mess with my morning routine and I'll cut you!

Jul 15, 2009 16:50

Consider this a placeholder for actual interesting content. Instead, I will talk about my discombobulating morning, which I am sure you will all find fascinating!

It started before it started. Last night I dreamed that I had rented a car for the 4 days I'd be in Seattle this weekend, and had gotten what I thought was a pretty good deal from the nice lady behind the Enterprise counter at the airport. Note that this makes no sense because (a)
brynnmck is driving me around, and (b)I will only be in Seattle for TWO days. At some point in my dream, I figured this out, and went back to the Enterprise counter to try to return the car early and get a refund. However, I had left the car some distance away, so I had to fly back to it by doing the breast stroke through the air. The nice lady behind the Enterprise counter told me that she couldn't give me a refund, and also re-calculated the charges so that they were $500 higher. I argued with her that if she couldn't even calculate the charges right, she had to let me return the car earlier, and then ended up going to her manager, and basically spent the entire night escalating a customer complaint up the command chain to a series of unreceptive corporate flacks. It went on forever. Do I get to call that a nightmare?

Then, CalTrain had a problem on the way to work, and I sat on an unmoving train for an hour and a half. I drank my thermos cup of coffee, the one I always bring on the train, but I had FORGOTTEN TO ADD HALF AND HALF so it didn't taste right. And I was unable to follow it up with my second and last cup of coffee at the office in the correct window of time, which is way more of a disaster than it should be for me. I haven't been able to think all day.

Anyway, I am very excited about Leverage tonight, and also about this wonderful program to match veterans with service dogs. Oh dogs.

I have things to say about Babylon 5 and Deadwood and the first episode of Warehouse 13, but apparently, at minimum, they require me to be caffeinated not only adequately but also in the correct timeframe. Alas, work is also demanding most of my attention when I'm at work, which is annoying!

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