I've got nothing...

Apr 16, 2007 16:57

Last Tuesday was the MSU Hockey team's championship rally. I talked Jessica into going with me and it was a lot of fun. Sure, I wish I had been with someone who actually cared, but I am so glad I was able to go. Although now that I have been inside Munn Ice Arena, I'm afraid its going to be hard to get to a game next year. There really isn't a lot of seating and a National Championship usually brings out the masses. But I will still try.

Friday, Christina came up to visit. We had a good time. We really need to make a better effort to hang out more this summer or something because I've missed her a lot! We stayed up Friday night just chatting about random things. Saturday we went to the mall. Christina wanted to lay in the giant arrows in the Meridian Mall parking lot, and it was something for us to do. I got a really cute shirt (wchi I am wearing right now) from Hot Topic (not my kind of store but yay!) Its a sketch kind of picture of Ariel and it says "It's good to be a princess" I was super psyched when Christina found it.

Yesterday Marietta's brother and his two frineds stopped by and descided to go repelling off the balcony. That doesn't happen every day. Jessica video taped it and when she went to replay it for me, she hit rewind instead of play and I got to catch a glimpse of the "home video" her and Anthony made a few weeks ago. Needless to say, I have seen much more of Jessica then I ever wanted to see. Of course, I realized what I was seeing pretty quick and started screaming and looked away, and had the circumstances been different (ie I just put on a random tape and didn't recognize the room) I wouldn't have been able to make them out. I saw naked bodies and stopped watching. But still, things were a bit awkward after that.

2 weeks left of the semester and then finals, and then its summer. And (though I know how weather in Michigan can get) it looks like maybe winter is fading into the background now (*crosses fingers and hopes she didn't just jinx it*)

There was a shooting at Virginia Tech this morning and more then 30 people are dead. Marietta's cousin goes there and she hasn't heard from them. I hope he wasn't in any way harmed today. And my heart goes out to all those who were injured or killed. Its so sad. But what I don't understand is how the shooter was able to get across campus and open fire again 2 hours after the first shooting.

home movies, shooting, christina, weekend, school, msu hockey

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