Remember my infamous butt massages on I-69?

Apr 03, 2007 14:07

Its been a while since I've posted. I don't really have much to say and I don't want to bore anyone. But I am bored right now and avoiding homework, so here we go. It is now April, which means hockey playoffs and baseball. The MSU hockey team made it tot he frozen four, beating the 2 top goalies in the midwest and they play Maine Thursday night. exciting! I went to the Wing's game on Friday night which they blew a 3-0 lead in about 10 minutes. Not their finest 3rd period. I really hate shootouts. Saturday I saw Blades of Glory and it was hilarious. We had a big crowd too. It was god times. It was nice being home for a weekend and not having to work. I felt like I had so much free time. God I wish I had unlimited supply of funds and never had to work. The mall changed their hours again-we don't have to stay open until 10 on weekends anymore. Which is exciting but that means I'll only be working 5 hours this weekend (not cool) but then again, witht he mall closed on Sunday I lost my 11-6 shift (a shift that sucks but its the most hours I can get so I tolerate it) I bought Happy Feet last Tuesday and I haven't watched it yet. And SVU is finally new tonight and I'm probably going to miss most of it because of a group thing for ITM. I really hate group projects, I wish we didn't have to do so many of them. At least my last 2 groups have been good groups and really my Accounting one was only a pain because we had to do so many and Sarah was impossible.

My computer is in need of repai again. I have such bad luck with computers. My cord was all mangled for God only knows what reason and the day after I get a new one, the place on the computer that the cord gets plugged in starts acting up, and this time my Dad needs the actual computer to get it fixed, so I am without until hopefully Easter. Its not horrible, I have Jess to share with, and its not like I have much to do on the computer, but it sucks in the morning when I normally chech my email/horoscope and all my internets stuff, but I get over it. I've been doing a bunch of reding the last two weeks, which is good and bad. I am slowly running out of books to read! But it is almost summer, so that is good. 31 days until my Last exam and then I can go home!

I should go now because I have run out of meaningful things to say and if I keep rambling some of the negative thoughts I've been having lately will come to the surface which I'm just not in the mood for. That and I have homework I should be doing (should=needs to be read by the exam, but I probably won't do much today. My book is calling to me!)

Oh yes, it is supposed to be colder on Easter then it was on Christmas. Boo

And Magglio Ordonez still hasn't cut his hair!

ramble, homework, weather, books, weekend, school, computer

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