cina-sticks, i will defeat you....i am victorious

Oct 30, 2005 22:04

-El Basics-
Full name: rachel lynne deliso
Nicknames: rach, rachie, ray, captain obvious, scum 3, waldo
Birthdate: october 28, 1986
So that makes you how old: 19 and 2 days! haha! i swear i won't do that anymore!
And then your sign is: Scorpio
Height: 5'1
Weight: 130ish...i haven't weighed myself in a while because i have no scale, but i know i have lost weight
Location: East Lansing, Michigan
Describe yourself in 3 words: lazy, OCD, sarcastic
Are you missing any body parts: no

What kind of milk do you drink?: 2%, chocolate
What word can't you stand?: there are a lot of words i don't care for, but nothing realy pisses me off
What's the lastest you've ever stayed up?: 36 hours in france....long ass day! i was out at the end, krysten took a shower, blow dried her hair and blew the hot air in my face and i didn't even flinch....imagne me doing that now! haha!
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?: well now that i'm thinking about it i don't know...i just had one though...damn!
What song are you listening to right now?: nothing...i'm watching hary potter, so the music to tha i suppose
So...what are you doing right now besides filling this out?: i believe i just said i was watching harry potter
What color is your underwear?: black...boring i know
Are you a pessimist or an optimist?: pessimist/optimist/halfway in between...mostly pessimist
Do you ever dance while brushing your teeth?: i have
Have you ever tried brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand?: nope...actually maybe while my right thumb was injured
BTW...which is your more dominant hand?: Right
Did you pass your driver's test on the first try?: yes i did....but it was over so fast my dad thought i had been pulled off the road
If many times did it take you?: -
When was the last time you broke the law?: Technically, last Saturday when I drank some beer *gasp* I know, I'm such a rebel
If you have a car, what make/model/year/color is it?: 2004 pontiac grand am-dark grey metallic
Does it have power windows and locks?: yep
How about a CD player?: yep
Air conditioning and heat?: yep
Is it a 2 door or a 4 door?: 4 door
Does it have a trunk/hatch-back/bed?: yes, trunk
What kind of car do you want?: i love my car, but sadly no more grand replace it in two years i wouldn't mind a g6
How many cars have you drove in your driving existance?: well, i drove the malibu, prizm, and my grand am
Pick one of the most embarrassing things you've ever done in public: Knocked over a whole display of Joey Harrington magazines and then proceeded to read the magazine in my hand like nothing happened
When you're in your house, do you pee with the door open or closed?: closed
Even if it's only your family there?: Yeah
What if your friends are there?: still close it
Do you pee with the door open at friends' houses?: No
Have you ever had plastic surgery? What did you get done?: No
Do you want anything done?: Nope
Are your parents married or divorced?: Married
Do you have any siblings?: 2 sisters
Have you ever seen your picture on the internet that you didn't post?: yeah, but not because someone i know didn't post it
What states have you been to?: Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Florida, Indiana, colarado, kentucky
What countries have you been to?: Canada, france
Is there a classic Disney movie you've never seen?: Yes...i know its shocking but i've never seen fantasia
What did/do you want to be when you "grow up?": i don't wanna grow up i'm a toys r us kid
What's your job now?: hallmark sales associate
How many people are on al of your messengers?: 134
Do you know what "cooter"means?: No
Is there anything you're obsessed with?: Of course
Anything you're addicted to?: the Internet, food
Did you meet anyone new this weekend?: Random people at the football game
In elementary school, did you have to bring anything for the 100th day?: yeah, i brought in 1000 twisty ties...those are cool things
Where do you live and where's your furthest friend live?: I love in Michigan and my furthest friend (I am counting online friends here) lives in texas
What's the population of your village/city/town?: I have no idea
For or against gay rights?: For
Women's rights?: For although feminists bother me
Minority rights?: For
What are you allergic to?: Nothing
Do you believe in fate?: yeah
How's the weather right now?: 53 degrees, not bad I'd say
What kind of movies do you like?: Comedy, chick flicks, disney movies
What's your purse/wallet look like?: Pink checkbook and a metal sigarette case thingyu for credit cards that had seafoam plaid material on both sides
What is on your bed right now?: 4 pillows, my bear that Anthony gave me
What are you wearing?: the same thing i wore to bed last night, and the same thins i wore all day...grey capris with eiffel towers all over em and a white tank top
What is the jewelry you wear daily?: earrings
Do you have any tattoos? What are they?: No
What kind of tattoos do you want?: i don't know, i was thinking if i ever do i might get a heart or a star or something...diane muller has a tiney "love" on the front of her hip and its really cute
What do you have pierced?: ears and cartilege
What do you want pierced?: i've been considereing a 3rd hole but i doubt i'll do it...i don't really need it and i have no money for it
What's in your CD player?: ashlee simpson...i need new cds!
What are you going to do after this?: find something else to pass the time and watch harry potter

How many concerts have you been to?: 4
Who was it?: amy grant, aaron carter (at jess grad party-not something i voulenteer for but it was still fun), neil diamond, and green day
Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: No
Have you ever fallen in the mosh pit?: N/A
Have you ever crowd surfed in the mosh pit?: N/A
Have you ever been to Warped Tour?: No
Have you ever been right up against the barricade?: No
How close were you (if not)?: N/A
Have you ever gotten a celebrity's autograph?: james cameron's autograph is engraved on my titanic dvd, but otherwise i think not...becky met daren mccarty and dad met chris osgood, and we got my dad an autographed gordie howe things, but thats it
Name some of your favorite bands: Rascal Flatts, i don't know....i just like everyone...

-Ending Questions-
Was today really necessary or was it just a waste of make up?: Well I didn't even get out of my pajamas today, but i wouldn't call it a was a scummie day!

i am so bored! i need soemthing to keep me occupid while i watch harry me!


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