that is why kevin jones is a pimp

Oct 30, 2005 16:28

i took this from erica's journal...i guess i'll try it...

Type your name I will fill this out for you....
1.I'll respond with something random about you.
2.I'll tell you what song or movie reminds me of you.
3.I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.
4.I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5.I'll tell you my first/clearest moment of you.
6.I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7.I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8.If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal.
the football game is on. the lions aren't doing so hot. its 13-3 chicgao right now, 6:42 left in the 3rd quarter...they need this win!

watched the fox special on the titanic dvd last was good. i love the history involved. that is why titanic is such a great movie! great story, and all the history. call me a dork if you wish, but i love the history. when the movie first came out i got pretty obsessed with the titanic in general. i read all kinds of books about it and everything. i don't know if we're gonna get any titanic in tonight because of football, but we have to start the behind the scenes pods, and then wath the movie with historical commentary, and then jim cameron's commentary. i think there are also a few featurettes on disk three to watch still also.

i think i figured out why my computer was being a bitch! because i'm a jackass and was running the computer as administrator. thats how it came set up (with my dell i had to set up everything myself and did all that right away so i never thought about it) so now i have aim and the internet seems to be better, by my msu mail still won't open. not cool! anyway, at least i fixed most of it. i like this computer because ti is so light! and the little mouse pad thingy is pretty cool, and i have a scroll thing. the one thing that does bug me though it that the backspace button won't delete if you hold it down, you have to delete each letter individually or highlight...that will take some getting used to. i love having a computer again! it makes me so happy!

i guess i did have stuff to talk about...of course its boring stuff, but stuff none the less. i am in the process of putting all the music from my ipod onto my computer...then i can get the 200soething songs from jess's ipod that i want and all will be right with the world again! good thing i went with the 6g ipod! otherwise i'd be just about full...and christmas is comming up so i have to put on christmas music...yay! i love christmas music!....lions just scored a touchdown 13-10 now, but there is a flag on the feild....on chicago, so its ok. cool, only down by a feild goal...jessica is so relieved! haha! sorry, random outburst, but it was exciting!

ok, its donw...except for 2 songs but it missed a few on jess's computer too, no biggie, i don't automatically update anyway haha!

ok, well my internet was being a bitch, and lj wouldn't post...the lions just lost in ot...and jess is on the verge of tears...crap!

football, computer, titanic

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