Nov 22, 2004 17:43
I guess I had it coming. Everyone saw what an asshole Dustin was except me, I guess I saw it but it was easier for me to ignore it. I defended him when all of you said he was trash, why? Not sure.... Today at school (you know, while I'm in Arizona and he thinks I wont find out)He tells a rather large group of females (guess he was trying to mack while I was away) that we didnt really go out, he was just with me to fuck me. END OF STORY! He will never speak to me again, if he attempts I will rip him to shreds with every ounce I have in me. I told the girl that called me to tell me this that she can tell him tomarrow at school that he better not EVER find enough nerve to speak to me again...EVER. God Im so hurt, I was so hurt I had to admit everything to my mom, there was no way for me not to. Shes angry at me, looked at me and said, Amy Im so disappointed in you. GEE MAN THATS WHAT I NEEDED TODAY! Im in Arizona, trying not to have a bad time but how can I have fun when my heart is broken, my god its broken, I cant even explain....