Oct 24, 2006 23:48
So, This is the worst night I've had in recent memory:
Started off alright. I had to switch swim class nights this week as I am going to a formal dinner on Thursday, my normal night. The swim intructor for tonight has a different style than my usual instructor, so we did a lot more actual swimming, as opposed to comfort-in-the-water exercises like dunks, blowing bubbles, and floating around. I was dead tired by the end of it.
Then comes the fun part. I showered, changed back into my street clothes. I used the facilites and then, on my way out of the locker room, I did my usual self check:
Glasses -- On my face,
Cell Phone -- Clipped to Belt
Keys -- Front Pocket
Lock and Combo / Towel -- in my hand
Carry Bag -- over the shoulder
Wallet -- Wallet? Where the F*** is my Wallet?!
So report it missing to athletics desk, check in with Porter's Desk, call the Campus Police, call El Jefee Ultimo, call my credit card company (on hold for 10 minutes on the stolen card hot line.... lovely)
Now I have to replace all but one of my forms of ID,including my PAL ($25 replacement cost), all of my bank cards, and my workplace needs to get some combinations changed just in case this is somebody more sinister than a f***ing opportunist.
The next couple of days are gonna be soooo phun.