Mar 31, 2005 21:49
And further more…
Buses, taxis, trucks, bicycles, pedestrians and four wheel drives should be banned on all roads world wide.
Also! You dickheads who don’t extend your left hand to say thanks when I let you into my lane. It’s a lot easier then rolling down your window while on your mobile phone and screaming “thank you for breaking and letting me into your lane because I just decided to change lanes, cut you off and almost cause serious harm to all on the road because I’m more important than everyone else and I got my license out of a fucking cereal box”
Then you know what the dickheads mentioned above do… they cruise over in front of me at an alarming speed then slam on their breaks and go 40ks UNDER the fucking speed limit although there’s absolutely no one else in front of them.
So the fuck what if I’m in a little excel, on my P’s and blasting “Living on a Prayer” while singing along… (Yes I’m one of THOSE people) this does NOT give you the right to be a complete and utter wanker. I do NOT care if you’re wearing an expensive suit and driving a flashy car YOU’RE STILL OVER THE HILL AND HAVE A SMALL PENIS! I do not care if you’ve been driving longer then I have… I really really REALLY don’t care… just because I’ve been driving for 4 years does not excuse the fact that you’re a tool. I know P drivers are involved in a lot more accidents then full license drivers but have you ever thought maybe a lot of these accidents are caused by you fucking BMW, 4x4 ass whips cutting us all off.
And what the hell is with bikes taking up an entire lane… Yes, the road is there to share… SO FUCKING SHARE IT! Is it that fucking hard to ride a little closer to the side walk so we have a little more room to safely go around you hence not cause traffic for hours after us? And if you want to be on the road how come you can cross the road while the little green man for pedestrians says walk?? Now that’s just selfish people! Come the fuck on!
While I’m on the subject, how in the name of fuck does a six lane high way look like a designated crossing area? Would it be THAT much of a hassle to walk a whole 3 meters to the set of traffic lights that tells you when it’s safe to walk across instead of strolling through 6 lanes of traffic? Either use the lights/designated crossing area OR MOVE YOUR FUCKING ASS!
And taxis… WHAT THE HELL!!! Just in general… LEARN TO DRIVE!
Trucks, buses and four wheel drives… FUCK! I KNOW my little car can fit under your vehicle but where on my car does it say “RUN ME OFF THE ROAD AND KILL ME” That’s right… NO WHERE!!! So look in your blind spot every once in a while before you change lanes or pull out, you might see a little car and save a life. Remember, the life you save could be mine!
Also, people who drive in the right lane while other people are trying to get in front of the slow vehicle/s in the left lane; Now that’s all good and fine, but when you sit right in front or beside the vehicle in the left lane and don’t let anyone else behind you who wants to get close to the speed limit go through, now that’s just rude!
I know I know… I don’t know everything… In fact, I know for a fact I’m not the best driver on the road but I try not to do things that’ll piss others off or cause traffic.
Seriously, if anyone read this and thought “hey, I do that” THEN STOP IT! Pull your head out of your butt and look at me flicking you off!