So wednesday night, Ian came over, we hung out a bit, then fell alseep watching "Point break". Then woke up around 12, somehow drove to macqurie half asleep. I really don't remember driving into the parking lot.
Anyhoo, watched Matrix Revolutions at 1am!!!! WAS FUCKING GREAT !!!!!!
Ok, must admit, the ending did blow monkey balls, but still, was so great considering reload was such a disappointment. Ofcause it doesn't beat the first matrix. But still a good movie non-the-less.
The best scene I must admit was when Neo was in the train station and he ran through the tunnel and came out the other side only to be still stuck in the station and just says "SHIT!"
Seriously.... it was pure genius!
Ending really did blow though.
I so wanted to shave off the little girl's side burns by the end of it!
But yeah, was alot less chessey than reload, but ofcause not as great as the first one. Fight scenes were pretty damn impressive!
Heh, it's so funny coz it's true
Anyhoo, so after the movie, finished around 3:30, got home, stayed up with ian for about an hour then crashed.
Then woke up at 6:30 for work. I was so very fucked by the end of the day.
Speaking of work, I'm working at 1 this afternoon, so i should go wash my clothes.
I got a free car wash last night, so I'm all happy, my car doesn't smell that bad anymore, i was cleaning it out and i'm seriously suprised i didn't catch any horrible sickness from the rotten chesse and ham sandwiches that where in the back.
I think i ought the car with the old moldly food in the back ... it was just part of the charm!