(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 20:24

Thursday night before exams I said screw it with studying and went to the weirs. It was fun, I stayed till 11 cause it was raining and then stayed up untill 3-4ish talking to people. I woke up on time and did fine. Everynight Ive gone out and had a blast and stayed up well past 3..heres a run through of what I've done since friday
Friday-Went to Amy's house.. drank, played quarters, went in the hot tub..
Saturday-Weirs SO MUCH FUN, got beads from guys, got home around 1
Sunday- Went on Jenn's boat, went water skiing, I got up :-D Jeff came over, I fell asleep around 11. woke up after he left and stayed up for a while.
Yesturday The 6 of us girls went to Hampton Beach, Jenn Jess and I all got burnt.. we went to Adam Nazzaros's house for a bit and that was fun..I came home and was talking to people on IM and fell asleep with the lap top on my lap.. mid convo with people. and I was still dressed entirely.. I woke up in the same exact position I fell asleep in, and my throat was wicked dry and it still hurts. You don't understand, I was pissed, lol. I worked all day and Jeff was supposed to come over but hes sick and its sad but I don't know where he lives so I can't suprise him.. so I don't know what I'm doing tonight..
Tomorrows Jenn's Birthday and I have to work 11-5:30 :-/ and I couldn't find anyone to pick up my shift..

Theres pictures on my Webshots if you wanna see my summer so far..
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