Apr 20, 2006 08:49
I am done with the ballon fiesta...yay! Though today we didn't do any surveys at all, so probably no money. The pay from this week will go in next Wednesday, which is perfect timing...as ausfootbag affiliation is due at the end of the month and I want to pay that, then I will have some spare cash that will get me to Newcastle for Frankenbok/Daysend.
So anyway, after eating our free breakfast, it was time to go home, and since I didn't have much else to do, I decided to explore the area of Lake Burley Griffin over the Kingston side, where I've never been before. It was a pretty good ride until I had to start pedalling directly into a strong headwind. When I walked outside today I was just like.......the balloons won't be going up today. And I was unsuprised that none of the balloon people had even brought their baskets in the hope they could go up.
They had a test weather balloon, it just flew up into the sky and went WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH and was out of sight very quickly. So yeah....rode quite a fair way today...........went Old Parliament House>Kingston>Jerrabombera Wetlands>Russel>Commonwealth Park>Civic>ANU>CIT> Belconnen Way> Home
I was going to add a lap of Lake Ginninderra to my path, but by the time I got to about CIT I was fairly tired of riding into the wind, so that didn't happen.
So I'm feeling a fair bit tired...though I'm thinking a bit of kick action could go down quite alright. I was having a bit of a kick this morning but it was ABYSMAL
- it was 6am
- I was wearing pants
- I wasn't wearing lavers
- I was using my crappy bag
so yeah. Within the next 2 weeks I'm pretty sure I will order lavers and a new bag (even though the lavers come with a free bag, it will be good to have a few decent bags)
over the course of the next couple of months I'm thinking I'll get a sandmaster (free with lavers), mosher bag, footfighter and Abshire
this will set me back...lots
good times!
early mornings,