Now I'm learning...

Aug 08, 2008 11:19

When I was a kid I used to get so pissed off at my parents because when my siblings & I were fighting over something, and CLEARLY there was one fair solution, they never went with fairness.  Now that I have two kids, I get it.  Parents don't give a fuck about fair.  Parents care about quiet.  So, instead of saying what I'm thinking, which is usually something like, "Oh for fuck's sake, if you two don't stop that screeching, I'm going to pack your shit up and put you out on the curb," I say, "Max, let Jenny have it, go play with something else."  Which clearly sucks, and isn't fair, but I JUST DON'T CARE.  Shut. Up. Already.

Dog accident count today: 1, and that was definitely my fault because I wasn't moving fast enough.  So really, none.  Two poops and three pees in the yard.  Overall, a MUCH better batting average than yesterday.
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