Oct 25, 2005 17:42
Today was, is, and will probably end a rough day. Yesterday was a pretty good day. Well, it started off good. And then is slowly began to tumble, tumble, tumble into today....October 25th, yay. Of course, the weather didn't miss a beat. The remains of Wilma, or Alpha, or Voltron, or who ever the hell it was, decided to grace our presence all day today with rain and wind and a lovely aura of misery. You know that face a cat makes, when it falls into the bath tub or gets wet somehow? That really pissed off cat face? Yeah, that was me. I was soaked, hoody, backpack, shoes, socks, the whole deal. Oh, and chemistry is digging me further in the grave....that cold, cold chemistry grave...My grades are slowly getting lower and lower. This is strange, because I'm doing more work on homework then ever before...Let's examine:
Danvogadro's Rule
(L)(w) + (bst) + (p) = (1 / g) + (Ha)
L = hours spent in library
w = work done on homework
bst = blood, sweat, tears
p = prayers for divine wisdom
g = grades in chemistry
Ha = headache
(Dan hates chemistry) (6.002x10^23) = (# of particles of hatred)