Jun 23, 2008 20:28
I don't like Ian Smith.
Say what you will about the man, about his attitudes, about the necessity of having him, I don't like the man. I don't think he did the right thing, and I don't think he ever had the decency to admit it to himself. I find him far to self-confident, far too willing to blame others for not maintaining an intolerable situation, and far too eager to exonerate himself.
And central to the man, and to my dislike of him, was his basic tenet. That there was no way that a black government, a government where blacks had equal representation, could possibly run Rhodesia as well as a white government.
And so I don't like you, Mr. Mugabe, for proving him right.
300 kilometers along A1 from the Limpopo to Harare; even terrain, good mobility. It's never looked so tempting.