Hello everyone!!
I'm back with some AKAME gifs 131 and with my introduction to you all.
[ For those that don't work directly here, click on them and you will be redirected to my photobucket account and there you can see the gifs.]
Or go to:
http://profile.imageshack.us/user/danalovesakame/http://s1019.photobucket.com/albums/af319/danalovesakame/?mediafilter=imageshttp://s1102.photobucket.com/albums/g444/danalovesakame2/?mediafilter=images So... first, AkaKame!!! Cause we all miss them like hell!
I will not comment the gifs, they speak for themselves.
Credits go to all the amazing AKAME fans who made these gifs.
I realized that I never introduced myself to you guys.
So... You all know me as Dana loves AKAME, from youtube, livejournal, blogspot and so on, but this time I'll tell you few things about me:
- My name is Daniela, friends call me Dana *blushing* sorry for the creepy no-face lady, lol!
- I'm 25 years old
- I graduated from collage and I have a psycho-pedagogy degree
- I am about to take my Master degree this following year.
- I work as a Vodafone operator in Customer Service
- I am an AKAKAME believer!!
- I think that in life, anything is possible if you believe!
Anyway, Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!!!!
That's all for today!!!
Happy holidays and a