Jun 29, 2010 07:36
This is a random-er than usual list because I am feeling frazzled and stressed:
1. I am staying at my usual place, which I love. Not just because it's on-campus and cheap and clean, and not just because I've been coming here so long that everyone knows me, but mostly because there's this sign when you enter the gate -- You are entering ___. Unique hazards may exist -- which is completely awesome. I love that there may be unique hazards.
2. I am on track to get everything done that I need to get done before we leave for Europe on Thursday. If I can just survive today and tomorrow!
3. I love my employer. They've switched my iPhone to an international plan so I can use it while we're away, ostensibly so they can reach me, but mostly because they think I would find it useful (and they'd rather I didn't get lost). I am very lucky.
4. I feel very out of touch with everything fannish. I haven't read fic in days, weeks (?). I feel like all I'm doing right now is saving links to things to go back and read later. It's frustrating.
5. The girls and I watched Doctor Who on Saturday as is our wont, and they liked learning about Vincent Van Gogh so much that they're excited about going to museums while we're in Europe. They want to see his crazy beautiful art in person. We'll see if that really happens.
6. We took the girls to see Toy Story 3 on the weekend, and I did not cry at the ending. I think it was too built up in all the reviews I read. That said, I enjoyed the film more than I thought I would. It's not my favourite Pixar movie, but it was good.
7. As sometimes happens, I'm feeling out of sorts, and I think that might be because the creative/writing part of my brain can't settle on what to write next. So, a poll:
Poll Story Ideas for Dani
(That was the first time I've tried out that feature -- interesting!)
Anyway, hope everyone is well...