Dec 20, 2004 16:56
Ok bad decision by me to listen to Time of your life, especailly after this weekend. Must say i had a total like breakdown/spaz attack. I went to MVT to see pizza meet and everyone was amazing!!!! i cant beleive how much everyone has improved!! i am mad cuz i had to leave kinda early and i didnt get to talk to anyone really...that was competing!! i talked to my carli like the whole time!! i really miss you guys!! i think about gymnastics like all the time and since pizza meet it has been driving me crazy!! like i have urges to randomly flip, or like stand on my head, and i cant!! i hate it its like a prison. I cant concentrate either half the time. I have daydreams/flashbacks about gym. This is seriously NOT GOOD!! like i dont know what to do!! its not like i can go back, and even if i could i couldnt... i quit for a reason. It just seems like sometimes it might have been better not to quit. I mean i know i had to, i geuss i just sometimes wonder what my life would be like if i hadnt. I miss everyone at MVT so much, and i know you guys prob dont care that much about me anymore and it has been a while, but i just want you guys to know i will always love you guys and thanks for all those wonderful times at MVT!! without you there i seriously would have died, and would not miss gymnastics nearly as much!! i know another entry about gym...what can i say, i am obsessed. It was like 10 years of my life almost everyday. Its going to take a while for me to get over... dont know why i miss it so much, but i wish i didnt but the fact is is that i do :-(
dont feel like doing hw. I quit, i seem to be good at that.
alright i am out to get some fresh air b/c our house smells due to the newly waxed floors which i cant walk on for 8 hours... no TV well kinda we have the litttle one, no fireplace, no oven, no stove, and no microwave!!!! ahhhhh w/e we are getting a new kitchen...not hapyy about this but w/e as you cant tell i dont like change!!! well i do sometimes but not really
out my loves so i dont write anything more wierd with my chemically enhanced brain at the moment.
Love always especially my MVTers!