I do not know how to express what I'm feeling right now. Excitement because I am voting for the guy that I believe would make the change our country needs, or heartbroken, half-believing that he won't win. When I think about the other candidates, I don't know....none of them seem to match up to Richard "Dick" Gordon. I know that if other people read this, I'd get a lot of insults or counter-attacks, but we all have our opinions. So here's mine...
I knew for a long time that I would vote for Gordon. At first I thought that I was on a high because he came to our school with Bayani Fernando to tell us his platform, and I admired him. But when I researched on other platforms, I saw that it was only Gordon who had a ready-made path to follow. He was READY to be president! The other candidates, I'm sure - or I at least hope - that they all have the same destination in mind, but after everything: all the debates, the Facebook pages, the Gordon-Bayani song, the fans' support, it was difficult to see anyone else in the president's seat. In my mind and in my heart, it almost seems like it is Gordon's chair already.
While talking to my friends about who to vote - many of them are for Gibo and some for Noynoy - they always comment that Gordon is so harsh! He always seems mad! My mom believes that he was getting desperate already, and I saw that same picture. I ALMOST turned my back on him. Almost. Fact of the matter is, yes, he is harsh. Yes, he may sound desperate, but that's what is so awesome about him. He is desperate for our sakes! He is harsh because he knows how urgent and how fast we need to move! It isn't a global competition at this point. It is keeping our country alive!
I was taking a shower and it hit me why else I wanted Gordon to win. He reminded me a lot about my father: strict, fun, harsh, blunt and has my best interest at heart. If you ask me, the people who hurt and criticize you are those who want you to change for the better. Gordon has come off as harsh and blunt, and always seemed to place his hosts on the hot seat even when it was supposed to be him on the hot seat. Why? Because he pointed out the things that needed to be changed, and I have been in that position more than once.
I got into a fight with my dad a few months ago, because he was doing exactly that. He was pointing out certain points about me that I should change, and how did I react? By getting angry at the things he said. I was crying by that time already because my defenses were faltering. My dad pointed out that he was not attacking or insulting my character. He just meant to say that I could be better. And call me a bighead, but I like how I am now. I learn. I am trying to pull down defenses and become a sponge. It is always up to me if I want to change. And I owe part of who I am to my dad. It is because of what he tells me that I can be better still. Why be content with what is, right?
It is ironic that we hate things about ourselves, but we do not want to change. Sometimes, it takes a harsh and blunt man to drop the grand piano on our heads --- just like in the cartoons --- just so we know what it is that we need to change in ourselves! Let's face it. To us, we are as we see in the mirror. We only see the surface --- e.g. I need to stop playing around and get serious. I should stop backstabbing people. --- because those are what we know! People see things in us that we don't see ourselves. That's what the Johari window tells us each time we do it. And a lot of us think it's so cliche.
Gordon tells us the hard truth, but it is still our choice if we want to believe him. I see his point. I see what he sees. We end up backstabbing our own country. I am guilty of this! But I don' t know if it's only because he has the power, but he is the only one man enough to tell us what we need to know, so that THEN, we know what we need to change in ourselves as a nation.
"What this country needs is not a change OF men but a change IN men." -- Richard "Dick" Gordon
He is my president.