Title: Love Message
Author: Dana-chaaan.
Information: TV Shows - Degrassi - DylanMarco
Summary: Set after "Sunglasses at Night". Even through it all, Marco's still hoping for a phone call, email, or text.
Author's Note: Saw the episode and totally needed to write about dear, dear Marco. He's such a cutie gay boy and his poor emptiness without Dylan was depressing. So I'm making up for it. :D Un-beta-ness! Watch out!
Marco Del Rossi wiped off the table at the shop, leaning over the top and working in the rag. He sighed lightly before finishing the job and feeling satisfied with his work. With a sigh and a wipe at his semi-dry forehead, Marco gripped the rag and walked to the table across from it. Working out the stains and clumping the crumbs together, the ebony-haired male continued to clean at the tables.
Spinner had left a little while ago, as did his father. He was left to lock up after cleaning, extra hours being his punishment-slash-payment for the six hundred dollars he stole. Keeping that in mind Marco tried to keep his mood light and not get too aggravated. It had been three days since the run-in with his father, not to mention the outing with his parental unit, and still not a word from Dylan. He had sent repeated texts and e-mails and called quite a few times and left messages. He figured Dylan hadn't even touched his elecronics as just yesterday the monotonous tone of the voice mail woman announced the mail box was full.
He really missed Dylan.
Glaring at the set-in clump of food on the table, he stabilized his frustration by working the rag in a lot harder than necessary. He knew he loved Dylan. Quite a lot really. But the boy hadn't even bothered to drop him a single word. Not a single e-mail, text, or call. It was as though his boyfriend had just up and forgot about him. How exactly was he supposed to deal with that? Did Dylan even love him anymore?
Finishing up the last blemishes of the tables, Marco went to wash out the rags and tossed the wringed towel into its correct area. Finally done with his extra three hours of work, Marco walked over to the front counter where his bag and laptop were. Standing on the edge, the male closed his bag and hefted it on one shoulder, carrying his personal computer under his other arm. With another deflated sigh and a brush of thoughts, Marco left the shop through all the correct procedures and walked along the sidewalk towards his home.
"Ooh, it's kinda cold," he muttered to himself, curling his arms as much as possible around his torso. Suddenly, as if the idea had just been implanted into his head, which it had, Marco stopped walked and adjuted his backpack. Marco reached into one of the pouches and grabbed his cell phone, squinting his eyes closed and praying he had a missed call or anything.
Much to his glee, the front LCD read "New Messages". Ignoring the fastening pace of his heart beats, Marco let a smile wrap up his lips and selected the option of viewing the message. A giant smile cramped his cheeks when he saw the message was from Dylan. Inhaling and exhaling with undying anxiety, Del Rossi scrolled down and read the message.
"I'm sorry I haven't called or replied." He supposed the only option he had was to forgive the boy. It was a long distance relationship right now and they were just working out the kinks. And he really wanted this to work. "Love you too, Marco," it said afterwards and the addressed boy smiled widely.
Marco stared at the message a little longer before bringing the screen to his lips and planting a chaste kiss on it. "I know."
Author's Note: Yeah. Yeah. It was short and dumb and absolutely retarded. But I thought it was cute. So whatever. Bah-hummbugg! :D Hope you enjoyed, drop me a line, please.