May 17, 2005 18:11
everything would be flat and bright and pop if it wasn't so early. --The Informers, Bret Easton Ellis
Yay, it's not 50 degrees today! This is the kind of summer weather that helps me remember exactly how beautiful Davenport can be. It was very chilly these last few days (i.e. 50s-60s during the day, low 40s at night) but all is well again; the sun came out today!
I've been enjoying my relaxation since school got out. The drive home was not tons of fun, but I managed to get home in 13 hours going well over the speed limit. Missouri is strangely beautiful. And I don't like driving in Arkansas. Around Little Rock is was fine, but before and after that it seemed as though no one with an IQ above 50 was on the highway. And I abhor trucks that flip rocks at me.
Activities since being home:
-visiting family
-hanging out with friends
-tennis with ma mere (she kicks my ass)
-cleaning (OCD)
-organizing (OCD)
-watching movies
-taking care of numerous pets
-lots and lots of eating (dear metabolism please slow down i'm in desperate need of 40 more pounds love dan)
More fun-filled activities to come:
-midnight tennis
-Brew and View (little independent movie theater here, it rocks)
-more movies
-sterilizing equipment, doing trays, et cetera at my dad's office (yay, job, money!)
-planning and preparing for fall
-more reading (I have quite a list of books I'd like to read this summer)
-being creative
-organizing (OCD)
-seeing more awesome people and tearing it up all sorts of D-Port style
It's gorgeous so I'm going to go out on the porch. Read or something. Ah, summer. Take care.