Jun 09, 2006 09:44
I have always heard that bad things happen in 3's. I really hope this is not the case because last week I was hit with # 1 and yesterday it was # 2 and I really don't think I could taken any more bad news.
Three weeks ago we got our water bill and it went up $60.00 to make it a $100.00 bill. I called the water company and they sent someone out to check to see if we had a leak. Sure as shit we do and we need to have our water line replaced. Thankfully I have a friend who owns a plumbing business and they gave us the special friend price of $1000.00. But that means we have to have our front yard dug up and it just kind of sucks.
Two days ago I called the vet and set up an appointment for Gordon because he has this infection on his stomach and has started to limb a little. This is the news got bad. Luckily the infection was just a staff infection caused by allergies (no big deal, he gets an antibiotic and it goes away) but the limping is a Patella Luxation which means an orthopedic surgeon and big $$. I think my old boss might be able to do the surgery and if he can it could save us up to $2000.00 by making the surgery cost anywhere from $1000.00-$1500.00. I really felt like someone kicked me in the stomach when the doctor told me that. I knew he has been struggling with his leg and if I would have known it was that bad I would have taken care of it sooner. I just thought he played on it to hard but when I felt the bone go back and forth in the socket I thought I was going to be sick. My poor poor Gordon my love how could this happen to such a sweet dog. How could I not have known something was wrong? For god sakes I used to work at a fucken vet and I should have seen the signs. So now I need to wait and hear from Doctor Thompson and see what he thinks and go from there. To top it all off and this is not a bad thing but Adrian's mom, step dad, grandma, uncle and aunt are coming here this weekend for a visit and I have to clean the whole house to day. YEA