
Apr 11, 2006 22:34

Found this on Ultratart's blog (a former Television Without Pity recapper). Nice to know the opinion of DYW members lines up quite well with someone actually working in the entertainment industry:

To The Producers of One Tree Hill:

Pete Whatshisname of Fall Out Boy? CAN NOT ACT.

And this is on a show that is TOTALLY FULL of people who can't act, like that perky random cheerleader who looks like a beaver, the cute token black guy she's dating, and, of course, Chad Michael Murray.

His scenes are just freaking PAINFUL. And it's even more painful because about four weeks ago, I saw pictures of his penis on Oh No They Didn't. So that's all I can think about. About how he can't act, and all of the internet has seen his wang.

It's VERY DISTRACTING. I prefer to spend the OTH hour thinking about what a douchebag CMM is, and admiring Sophia Bush's hairdo. It's one thing to have musical guests as musical guests, but a whole other thing to make them act.

Also, hi! First post and all that. Here, have an old Mikey/Pete story I wrote. Short, fluffy, and set during Warped (before Wentz Wang 06 gave us a very definitive answer to Mikey's question)

Buyer's Remorse By Proxy, Pete/Mikey

Mikey stared with his mouth open. He never knew what to expect on Fall Out Boy’s tour bus. Between the never ending sugar highs, Pete’s boundless enthusiasm, and Patrick’s enabling tendencies, there was always a chance that any intruders would wind up dumbfounded and slightly afraid at what was before their eyes. Today was no exception. There was only one question that could be asked, although Mikey was fairly sure he knew the answer. “Pete, what the hell is that?”

“This,” Pete beamed, “is an Easy-Bake Oven, Mikey.” Pete sat down at the tiny table and gazed upon his newest acquisition. “Isn’t it beautiful?” he asked. At this, Patrick stood up from the couch and excused himself. Mikey could hear him laughing as he walked down the bus stairs.

Pete looked up at Mikey with sincere eyes. “Haven’t you always wanted one of these fucking things?”

Mikey could honestly answer no, but he hated to crush Pete’s spirit. “Uh, I guess so,” he settled on, sitting down next to Pete. “So…it’s a really tiny oven.”


“That’s pink.”


“And you do what, exactly, with it?”

“Well you bake shit, duh,” Pete said, waving a small white packet around.

Mikey found the next 10 minutes very educational, as Pete mixed a very small amount of cake batter, poured it into a pan, and slid the pan into the oven. “Now, what?” Mikey asked.

“Shh, baking happening, “ was Pete’s only reply. Mikey groaned and turned on the TV. How long could it take a lightbulb to cook a tiny cake?

Forty minutes, it turns out, was the answer. Forty minutes of Mikey’s life he’d never get back. “Can we eat the cake now?” he asked hopefully.

“You have to wait for it to cool. Then we frost it, then we eat it!” Pete explained as he typed away at his Sidekick.

“Great, that’s great, I’m gonna run to my bus real quick,” Mikey said as he stood up.

“Okay, you’ve got time,” Pete said, still typing. “Do you want sprinkles on your half ?”

Mikey didn’t answer.


Mikey flopped down on the couch next to Gerard, who was busy playing an ancient version of Doom.

"Hey," he said to his brother, "anyone in the back?"

"Uh-uh," Gerard said.

"Need to talk to you," Mikey said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and slouching down.

Gerard paused the game and turned to face Mikey. "S'up, Mikes?"

Mikey sighed. He really did not want to talk about this with Gerard, but he was out of other options. "Do you, uh, do you ever think that Pete is, well, actually a girl?"

Gerard looked at Mikey, blinked, and then started laughing so hard he rolled off the couch. Mikey was not pleased by this reaction, and showed it by kicking Gerard in the shin, twice.

"Ow, fucker!" Gerard said, still giggling, "Mikey, just cause your boyfriend..."

"He is NOT my boyfriend."

"Just cause your fuck buddy..."

"I hate you."

"Just cause he is a little bit...uh, let's go with 'metro,' it doesn't mean he's a girl. Hell, I wear makeup and you don't think I'm a girl."

Mikey mumbled something. "What's that, Mikes?" Gerard said, climbing back up on the couch.

Mikey mumbled again. Gerard poked him in the stomach. Mikey mumbled once again, but this time Gerard managed to hear, "bought an Easy Bake oven."

"Hmm," Gerard said. "Maybe he is a girl. And he's had girlfriends in the past. So...you're dating a lesbian?"

Mikey had to smile just a little at that. "We're not dating."

"Too bad," Gerard said, resuming his game, "there go mom's dreams that you would settle down with a nice girl."

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