Who makes you the angriest?

Jan 16, 2008 16:25

Dean Winchester. Have you met the bastard? If you have, you know what I mean then, but most likely, and luckily, you haven't been that up close and personal with him. (And if you have and you're not male, well then you better start runnin' sweetheart, because I don't take kindly to girls trying to touch my boyfriend.)

Here's the rundown. The asshole sells his soul to save his brother and I really wouldn't have expected anything less, it's just how Dean is. Putting Sam before everything. And no offence to Sam, he's like family to me, but sometimes I seriously wish Dean hadn't have done that.

But he did, so no use crying over spilt milk. Or spilt soul as it is.

And while he's at it, making Sam miserable, he goes and makes me fall in love with him. Yeah that's right, who didn't see that one coming. Little Joanna Harvelle falls in love with the Winchester boy; it's like living in a soap opera.

And in true soap opera fashion, me and Dean fight like cats and dogs.

And I could kill him. I really really could.

But that would mean saying goodbye and I'm not ready to say goodbye. Not again.

mind the muse

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