I have a heart that will never be tamed

Dec 17, 2007 08:25

My name's Jo, Jo Harvelle. Chances are Dean's already been 'round here bitching and whining because I threatened to shoot his dick off since he doesn't understand the concept of 'you touch another woman and I'll shoot your dick off'. He thinks my Mom's scary? She's an angel. But come on, Bela? Sure she's pretty and all, okay, she's gorgeous and I hate her, but here I am thinking Dean's got the balls to stand up to her and say no.

Mom always told me never to trust a Winchester.

Anyway, like I said, my name's Jo. It's short for Joanna Beth but no one but my Mom and my Dad can call me that and seeing as my Dad's dead, you're shit outta luck. I grew up in Nebraska, at The Roadhouse. My Dad died with I was seven. End of backstory.

I met the Winchesters a year or so back. Turns out their Dad worked with my Dad and I even knew John, but Hell if I remembered him. He stopped coming by once my Dad died anyway. But then Dean and Sam show up at the Roadhouse and John's dead and Mom's making nice like they're family or something, whatever. I made nice after I punched Dean in the face. Maybe that shoulda been an omen or something, y'know?

Dean's the only guy I've made an ass outta myself over. Man, I brought stupid dumb blonde kid sister schoolgirl to a whole knew level. I hated girls like me in high school. Anyway, anything with Dean was all 'wrong time, wrong place' and I started thinking there was never gonna be a right time, right place.

So I made one.

I mean, sure Sam helped, but I'm taking all the credit for that night. It wasn't 'wrong time, wrong place' after that. I'm sure Dean wanted to say it and the boy pitched a hissy fit every time I said I wasn't gonna sit home twiddling my thumbs while he and Sam went on a hunt, but did he really expect me to just stay all safe and sound in the motel room watchin' TV while he and Sam were getting their asses kicked? What can I say, I fell for an idiot.

It was going good for a while; I was getting kind of fond of hanging out with them. And I don't have my panties in a twist over Sam anymore, so it was all good. Until Dean decided to play naked twister with Bela. Yeah, he says nothing was going on, and half of me wants to believe him, but I've got eyes and damn good eyesight, and I've seen him look at me like that enough times to know that it wasn't nothing.

So when he asks for help, which he will, tell him to shove it.

mind the muse

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