Tired, 14

Jul 10, 2007 15:32

Tired, Chapter 14
Overall: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Jon
Summary: Spencer finds out about Ryan and Jon
A/N: Its short, but I have had so many computer problems, I'm afraid it will disappear!
Check out my review/videos/pics on my lj from summerfest
There is a lack of writing on the board lately, so I hope some people stop and read :) and comment.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7/ 8/ 9/ 10 / 11/ 12 / 13

I’m brought forth from my slumber when Jon starts sucking on my lower lip. I softly moan into him. My mouth opens and he eagerly sticks his tongue in my mouth, licking every part of it. I open my eyes and look into his gorgeous eyes staring into me.
He stops tasting me, “You know I love your mouth Ryan? Especially your lips, as they are heaven.”
“Oh stop.”
“They are Ry. I love to kiss them,” Jon then kisses me again on that note.
When we break apart again, I find that we are both panting like crazy. I love to nuzzle him, and he seems to like it too, so I nuzzle at his nose.
“Ryan, you are just too cute. But it is 3 pm, we should probably eat something cause we haven’t all day.”
“Oh I guess. I’d rather stay here with you though.”
“So would I, but we’ll come back later.”
“What do you want to eat? I don’t care.”
“Lets just stay home and order pizza. We can watch a movie.”
“Sounds wonderful.”
Jon and I did just that. We ordered a pizza and watched movies for the rest of the day. We were curled up together on the couch, and I do say we did look fucking adorable. Somewhere in the middle of our third movie, Moulin Rouge, Jon fell asleep. This is what I wanted this morning, before stupid Spencer. I just wanted to be with Jon. I realize that this is what was missing in all my relationships. The just being together and being content to stay like that, instead of it always having to turn into fucking was missing. Jon was more than willing to just be here with me, which is what I craved. Apparently, I found another thing to add to my list of things I love about Jon Walker.
When the movie ended, I whispered into his ear, “I love you and it’s time to go to bed.”
“Okay,” he mumbles before we detangle.
We both get ready for bed and I head back to Jon’s room. He’s there waiting. I crawl in and lie on my side, so I can look at him. He reaches up and pushes my hair out of my eyes.
“Thanks Ryan. I couldn’t have done today without you. I love you.”
“I couldn’t have done today without you either. I love you too.”
We slowly kiss goodnight. Jon pulls me in to him and we drift off to sleep.
The next morning comes much to quickly with the sounds of Jon’s sidekick. I make a note to myself to banish those from the bedroom. Jon lets go of me and reaches for it on the nightstand as I whimper in protest.
“Hello?” he groggily answers.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I suck. Calm down Spencer, you can come over at noon. I’m going back to sleep,”
A pause, “Oh, well then I guess in like an hour. I need a shower. Bye,”
Jon clicks off the phone and puts it back, “Spencer. I never called him back yesterday. That’s not going to help us.”
I stretch, “Why does he have this habit of waking us up? I want to just wake up with you without a phone.”
“I don’t know. But we need showers before he comes over, so we need to get a move on so you can do your hair too.”
“Shush! You know you like it.”
“I do, that’s not the point though.”
Jon gets up and pulls me out of bed with him. I collapse onto the floor and we are both laughing hysterically. He helps me up and then kisses my forehead, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I smile at him.
“Shower time!” he pulls me towards the shower with him.
“Are we showering together?” I ask.
“I hope that’s okay?” he looks at me with a pout.
“Yes, it is okay! But are we actually going to get a shower in before he comes over?”
“Good point. Probably not. Maybe, we should wait then for shower fun. You go first and I can shower while you fix your hair.”
I nod and hit the shower. Fucking Spencer, I wanted to shower with Jon. The two of us are barely done when the bell goes off. Jon goes to the front door and I head for the couch. I can’t really hear what’s being said, so I wait for them to come in. I wish Jon and I talked about how we were going to tell Spencer, but it’s too late for that. I pick up a magazine and glance through it to make it look like I’m busy.
Jon and Spencer enter the room. Spencer bursts out, “Why is he here?”
“Because he lives here Spence. Now sit down.”
“No, I don’t want to. You said we were going to talk. Ryan needs to go,” Spencer stands there with his arms across his chest.
“Just sit down, and I’ll explain already,” Jon sits down on the couch next to me, but not too close to tip off Spencer.
“Ryan get out,” Spencer tells me.
I roll my eyes, “Just sit down already and stop being a baby.” I toss the magazine back down on the table.
“I’m not going to until you leave.”
“SPENCER SIT THE FUCK DOWN ON THE COUCH!” Jon yells at him. We both look at Jon with wide eyes as it means business if Jon’s yelling. Spencer walks over to the couch and sits down.
“Man, I hate yelling. I’m sorry okay? Just listen please?” Jon asks Spencer, who nods yes.
“Okay. We are all here because we need to talk about the fight you and Ryan had yesterday.”
“I don’t want to talk about it Jon,” Spencer interrupts.
“Well I do. Now I know it hurt to put yourself out there and he said he didn’t like you in that way. I can’t help that part. But you wanted to know who he was with, and he wouldn’t tell you correct?”
“Yes. Ryan used to tell me everything and now he won’t even tell me who he is dating.”
“But he said that he promised whomever that he wouldn’t right?”
“So you wanted him to break a promise to someone that he cares about a lot? Doesn’t that seem a little selfish Spencer?”
Spencer sighs, “Yeah, I didn’t think of It that way. I’m sorry Ryan.” He puts his head down.
I get up and sit down next to him, “It’s okay, Spence. Just don’t put me in that place where I’m caught between my best friend and my boyfriend okay?”
He hugs me, “Okay Ry. I’m sorry.”
I hug him back. I really have missed him through all the drama.
Jon interrupts our hugging, “So now that we worked that out, Ryan wants to tell you something.”
I glance at Jon, who nods at me. Spencer looks at us like we are crazy, “What’s up Ryan?”“Well Spencer, the guy who asked me not to tell anyone yet because it is new is Jon. Jon and I are together. I love him, and,” I lean across the table to grab his hand. “He loves me. I hope you are okay with that.”

ryan ross, tired

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