Social networking and blogging

Oct 05, 2005 03:40

I got an automated email from
Crow today, inviting me to join Multiply, yet another social networking site. It's actually pretty nifty, except that barely anyone will ever use it. All of its major functions are already covered by LiveJournal, MySpace, and Flickr, to pick one trio. Hell, you can even pick just one of those. LiveJournal and MySpace have essentialy the same functions, although in different formats. And it's probably only a matter of time before Flickr starts hosting blogs, rather than just being supplementary to them.

Ok, I'm being a little mean to poor Multiply. If MySpace made it as easy to customize the look of your page, it would rock, and (although I can see why,) none of the three sites I listed allow you to upload video or mp3 (but that still doesn't stop me from wishing).

Is social networking on the internet at its saturation point? Past it? Not even close? Take the poll and discuss.

Poll Social Networking

Edit: Oh, and the "Stop here. Ignore the rest of this poll." in question 1 doesn't mean don't click "submit;" it just means don't answer the rest of the questions. :)

el-jay/dreamwidth, large dinosaur cock, myspizzle, polls, geeking, the internets

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