This is a kink meme for Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me.
Welcome, Rules and Mod Attention Post: Post: Fanworks: Master List: Banners and icons would be appreciated. I'd like to have a lot of the cast represented in the pictures.
Rules and Guidelines
1. Anonymous or logged in posting are both allowed.
2. Please Trigger Warning your fic posts. There's a lot of intense stuff in canon.
3. Don't judge each other/be nice. I don't want to see any shipping wars or kink shaming in here.
4. Please label your fill posts with "Fill, Filled, etc" and how many parts there are. This makes it easier for the mods to keep track of things on the
Master List Post.5. Stuff can be posted to AO3 for you as a translation or remix. If someone could help me set up a collection that would be *awesome*.
6. If you want to tell the Mods something is in violation, ask a question etc. post here.
7. Cross posts are fine. You *should* shamelessly promote us though.
Discussion exists to be both on and off the topic of the show. Use it wisely.