Oct 01, 2006 06:09
Day: Although the Institute’s disturbingly chipper atmosphere seems to permeate all members of its staff during the day, cafeteria workers might pose the only notable exception. After all, it’s hard to even fake happiness even when serving the Institute's surprisingly good food.
Night: The unfulfilledness and misery of cafeteria workers seems to carry over into their night incarnations, when they take on forms similar to the dubious food they serve and the tools they use to serve it with. Their numbers are unpredictable and varied, though--between the coleslaw mass that bangs pots to deafen you and the woman with a butcher knife for an arm--they all seem to display an irritating kitchen theme.
Possible Dropped Items: knives, pans/pots, canned food/drinks
Rare Item: a container of vermin poison; (can be used against any animal-like creature, level of effectiveness depends on how much you use up and what size animal you're dealing with)