Front Desk Nurses

Oct 01, 2006 05:22

Day: All smiles and cheer, the front desk nurses greet patients, doctors, and visitors alike, always ready to welcome anyone into the crisply clean halls of Landel’s Institute. Questions regarding directions or appointment times will always be returned with warm and knowledgable answers, though one has to wonder about the motivations of employees so eager to help navigate people into the bowels of a mental hospital.

Night: Front desk workers certainly are helpful at night... in trying to force patients into a darkness far more permanent than their current mental state. They turn materials that they use to assist others during the daytime--such as staplers, pens, pencils, scissors, and other seemingly benign objects--into instruments of pain and torture which they can make a part of their body in their attempt to guard your way in or out of the entrance.

Possible Dropped Items: scissors, x-acto knives, paper weights

Rare Item: key to one locked door; (chosen randomly, reusable)
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