
Oct 01, 2006 00:52


Definition of "Activity"
Our formal definition of "activity" only includes posts made to damned. Any posts made to damned_bulletin do not count towards your activity, as we wish to put the game's emphasis on third person prose.

Two Week Rule
If you have not posted to damned for two weeks or if you show a definite and continuous trend of going inactive for over two weeks at a time, you will be considered currently or chronically inactive.

Activity Checks
As we cannot keep track of everyone's activity in the RP, we sometimes issue unannounced Activity Checks in damned_lounge in order to take stock of player activity. All players are required to respond with their character(s)' most recent post before the Activity Check was posted; if your character(s)' post is two weeks old or more (and unless someone else is responsible for the wait) you will be considered inactive.

If You're On Hiatus
If your characters are on hiatus when an Activity Check rolls around, you are exempt from having to respond. However, if you have been on hiatus for over three months without express approval from the mods, you will be considered inactive.

E-Mail Warning
If we become aware of inactivity, we will send you a standard warning e-mail; at that point, you can tell us if you want to try to get back into the groove of the game or if you'd like to drop your character instead. This is, of course, entirely fine. We understand that sometimes this game is too much. If you do not reply to the e-mail within two weeks, all characters mentioned in it will be automatically dropped. (If you were out of town or lacked computer access during this time, we will reinstate your claim.) Also note that, in the case of long-term, chronic inactivity, we reserve the right to give multiple strikes in one e-mail.

Three Strikes Rule
If we have to email you about a particular character's inactivity three times, the third e-mail will not be a warning and instead be a notification that you've now lost your claim to that particular character. If we have to e-mail you about all of your characters' inactivity three times, you will be ejected from the game as a player. For more information on ejections, please refer to Reports/Concerns.
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