After You're Accepted

Oct 01, 2006 00:43

You've been accepted!

Join all of the communities.



Fill out some forms.
Contact List
Comment here with your information. (If you are a current player, don't worry about it.)

Friend Add
Add/remove all of the usernames on this list to your new character journal. NOTE: This is an optional step.

Character Information
Edit your character journal's userinfo to follow these guidelines.

Special Events Preferences
Tell us what pool you'd like to put your character in here. (If you currently have a character on the list and don't want to change anything, don't worry about it.)

Player Posts (Optional)
Some of our players with uniquely-powered characters have posts where they collect information for future reference. If you have time, please help them by adding your character's info.
A) Aquilas
B) Nigredo
C) Renamon

Get your character in the game.
Make your introduction post.
Once your character is accepted into the communities, post to the newest damned_intercom post in damned with an intro post of your character waking up in their room. You may write interaction between your character and a nurse (and/or soldier) unless your character gets violent; then, you must contact an NPC mod to thread with you. If they're waking up at night, then your character is free to come to in a random unoccupied room. Just remember to remind one of the mods to add your character tag for you!

Start playing!
You are now free to post your character to the current shift's post and have them interact with whoever you like. We hope you have fun with us! ♥

NOTE: Currently there is a special military arc that is going on in-game. The basic rundown of it is explained here, but you can look at the general "*military arc" tag on the Lounge for more information.

Introduce yourself as a player.
Post an entry in the OOC community.
This is an optional step, but if you want to start getting to know the other players in the game (or just let everyone know that you officially got in), go ahead and post an entry in damned_lounge introducing yourself and your character. NOTE: We used to have one big entry posted by us where people could do introductions, but we've decided to make it something done individually since our app volume has decreased recently.
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