~Now I know what the pieces will form together <3333 :D

Apr 09, 2005 00:25

I could stay home for the rest of the summer.
NOT. teheee
But yes, today is the 2nd time this summer, I chose to stay home and buuuum all day rather go out and do shit with my crazy ass amigos. There's always tomorrow eh guys? *g* Plus being a bum for once in my life is looooove ♥ haha it's unbelievable how I enjoy just stayin at home watching television, whoring this comp hehe xD, and just ..not having to deal with the all the shit out theeere hahaha xp

I'm such in a giddy random mood at the moment and so I bring you my thoughts...

Awww the brothers Way are teh sexlove! <3333

I love it..how tight they are ♥

heeeee they're so fuuuun xD

awww I miss my boys..... <3

♥ awwww just awwww ♥

Eversince yesterday Kimi winged_fishbone and I have been in suuuuuper hyper modes and everything's just so whaaaaacked and crazy!!*g* Hope 'tis always like thisss eh Kim? *ehem*COMATOSE*ehem* hahahahahahaha! xD
Oh and Burn burn_tralala don't worry about the cd! I can waaaaait :D You know me lobes you no matter what! Just don't try and steal meh hubbyS!LOL
Pattiii ihatelj_ok goodluck for your operation tomorrow bes! My prayers are with yooo <3 yoooo!
Patflo pantastic_pat cmon man lets staaaaaaaalkkkk the hottnesses around teh block mehn! Or are you still havin your rendezvous with........ hehehe xD Come over anytime man! We need to hang more oftensss!

:::edit:::April 10
BRO!Inigo OMFG "tonight's the night" xD HELL YEAAAAAH! \m/ Geez I went through all those shitnessss just for you! gaaah hahahaha I hope our "dreams" come true though :( Right right?? Well, hope you're havin fuuun!*grins* HAHAHA See you on Wednesday! wooot you gots meh MCR cd wooot! vrooomvroooom! xD

I was thinkin a bit earlier...and just wanna say:
everyone on my flist (whether we be close or not or just in the process of getting to know LOL)- fenkyoo all for putting up with my crazy and often nonsense rants and I love you all and I hope someday we can all chat and drink fine red wine. Cheersss!<3

HAH finally I'm sleepy.....wooot Nightnight loves! <3
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