bored_todeath wrote in
May 11, 2009 21:29
Hey. Matsuda.
Where's the missing people thing you keep leaving? 'Cause I ain't seen my roommate in a while and, I dunno. I'm not worried but he was fun. Don't really want someone new but I'm bored on my own.
Fwiffo, you readin' this, where'd you go? You ain't scared of me are ya? Maybe you went back into space or something?
bored_todeath wrote in
Feb 16, 2009 13:06
Matsuda. I need to ask you that question today. Bring me an apple, alright?
Hey. I had an idea. When I laugh at something on here, should I just write LOL?
bored_todeath wrote in
Feb 14, 2009 22:53
Are there any normal humans here? From earth. Between 2000 to 2020? Nothing weird, no superheroes or monsters going on or aliens. Just earth and humans.