Night 52: M21-M30

Oct 12, 2010 16:54

[M22]The History Club was a temporary solution, Zevran reassured himself ( Read more... )

shinji, kirk, s.t., zevran, peter petrelli, kaworu, austria, spock, l, sam winchester, roxas

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M27 dual_worlds October 13 2010, 05:04:35 UTC
The captain's orders for the evening had been clear, and so Spock did not waste any time preparing. After changing into his uniform, he propped his bat against the side of the desk so it would be easy for Kirk to locate should he decide to claim it. If he and Nyota weren't properly equipped, then it would be best for them to stop here before proceeding for the night.

Of course, now that their numbers had once again increased by one, Spock wondered if he ought to attempt to locate another knife in the second floor kitchen. Technically, the room was within the bounds assigned to him for tonight. Furthermore, it would not do well for him to be the only crew member with a weapon. Perhaps their investigations would naturally take them in that direction, and they would all be better off for it.`

For now he needed to focus on reaching the second floor, however. He'd had enough experience with this facility to know that time was precious. After laying an empty pillowcase over his shoulder, he reached for his flashlight, knife and radio and stepped outside.

((To here.))


Re: M27 doneinthree October 14 2010, 02:49:56 UTC
[from here, time-skipping to when the room is empty]

M27 was Spock's room, and also that of his human doppelgänger, Gabriel. Daily weirdness, courtesy of Landel's Institute. Kirk rapped twice on the door with the metal butt of his flashlight, but waited only a few seconds before poking his head in. Not exactly the height of manners, but he figured Spock would've let his roommate know that someone was stopping by. Luckily, the room appeared empty, and Kirk's light lingered over the leftovers of the two meals before finding the metal baseball bat by the leftmost desk.

Kirk smiled as he went over to pick it up, testing the weight of it in his hand: obviously used, but made of sturdy material, and with a good reach. "Not bad." He had to wonder what "weapon" Spock had found to replace it, but certainly couldn't complain. The baseball bat would be more than enough to defend himself.

It took a handful of seconds for Kirk to find the best way to hold it and his flashlight at the same, but otherwise wasted no more time in getting to Uhura.

[to here]


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